inventory <- addtreedim(inventorycheckformat(Paracou6_2016), volumeparameters = ForestZoneVolumeParametersTable) inventory <- treeselection(inventory, objective = 20, scenario ="manual", fuel = "2", diversification = TRUE, specieslax = FALSE, objectivelax = FALSE, topography = DTMParacou, plotslope = PlotSlope, speciescriteria = SpeciesCriteria, advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters())$inventory
MainTrail <- sf::st_linestring(matrix(c(286400, 583130, 286400, 583250, 286655, 583250, 286655, 583130, 286400, 583130) # the return ,ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)) pol1 <- list(matrix(c(286503, 583134, 286503, 583240, 286507, 583240, 286507, 583134, 286503, 583134) # the return ,ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)) pol2 <- list(matrix(c(286650, 583134, 286650, 583240, 286654, 583240, 286654, 583134, 286650, 583134) # the return ,ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)) PolList = list(pol1,pol2) #list of lists of numeric matrices ScndTrail = st_multipolygon(PolList)
# Accessible <- Selected !!!!!!!!!!!! pas oublier pour if (fuel == "0" && directionalfelling != "0") successfail <- function( inventory, fuel, directionalfelling, advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters()) { if (fuel == "0" && directionalfelling == "0"){ inventory <- inventory %>% mutate(TreeFellingOrientationSuccess = 0) } if (fuel == "0" && directionalfelling != "0"){ inventory <- inventory %>% mutate(TreeFellingOrientationSuccess = ifelse(Selected == "1", sample(c(1,0), size = 1, replace = F, prob = c(advancedloggingparameters$TreefallSuccessProportion, 1-advancedloggingparameters$TreefallSuccessProportion)), NA)) # Accessible = linked by 2ndtrails } if (fuel =="1") { inventory <- inventory %>% mutate(TreeFellingOrientationSuccess = ifelse(Selected == "1", sample(c(1,0), size = 1, replace = F, prob = c(advancedloggingparameters$TreefallSuccessProportion, 1-advancedloggingparameters$TreefallSuccessProportion)), NA)) # Selected = not yet linked by 2ndtrails, because 2ndtrails came after } # Abattre les creux : if (fuel =="2") { inventory <- inventory %>% mutate(TreeFellingOrientationSuccess = ifelse(Selected == "1"| ProbedHollow == "1", sample(c(1,0), size = 1, replace = F, prob = c(advancedloggingparameters$TreefallSuccessProportion, 1-advancedloggingparameters$TreefallSuccessProportion)), NA)) # Selected = not yet linked by 2ndtrails, because 2ndtrails came after } inventory$TreeFellingOrientationSuccess <- as.character(inventory$TreeFellingOrientationSuccess) return(inventory) }
rotatepolygon <- function(p, angle, fixed) { # angle in the clockwise direction p.coords <- sf::st_coordinates(p)[,1:2] # Polygone coordinates extraction <- suppressWarnings(sf::st_coordinates(fixed)) rotate.coords <- function(xy, a, center) { co <- cos(-a * pi / 180) si <- sin(-a * pi / 180) adj <- matrix(rep(center, nrow(xy)), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE) # matrix with fixed point coordinates xy <- xy-adj cbind(co * xy[,1] - si * xy[,2],si * xy[,1] + co * xy[,2]) + adj } p.rotate <- rotate.coords(p.coords, a = angle, center = c([1],[2])) Turned <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_polygon(list(p.rotate))) # create the turned polygon return(Turned) }
felling1tree <- function(dat, ScndTrail = ScndTrail, MainTrail = MainTrail, fuel, directionalfelling, advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters()){ Trail <- st_union(MainTrail, ScndTrail) # Our trail will be MainTrail or ScndTrail Crown <- dat %>% mutate(xCrown = Xutm, yCrown = Yutm + TrunkHeight + CrownHeight/2, exCrown = CrownDiameter/2, eyCrown = CrownHeight/2) %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("xCrown", "yCrown")) # ellipse centroid coordinates Crown <- st_ellipse(Crown, Crown$exCrown, Crown$eyCrown) # create the ellipse Trunk <- with(dat, # and the trunk st_polygon(list(matrix(c(Xutm-(DBH/100)/2, Yutm, Xutm-(DBH/100)/2, Yutm + TrunkHeight, Xutm+(DBH/100)/2, Yutm + TrunkHeight, Xutm+(DBH/100)/2, Yutm, Xutm-(DBH/100)/2, Yutm) # the return ,ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)))) # Foot <- st_point(as.numeric(dat[,c("Xutm", "Yutm")])) # Tree coordinates (point) # Find the point (TrailPt) on the Trail closest to the location of the tree (Foot) Foot <- st_point(c(dat$Xutm,dat$Yutm)) # tree foot point NearestPoints <- st_nearest_points(Foot, Trail) # from the Foot of the tree to the Trail (linestring) NearestPoint <- st_cast(NearestPoints, "POINT") # to have start (Foot) and end (TrailPt) points TrailPt <- NearestPoint[[2]] # the point (TrailPt) on the Trail closest to the location of the tree (Foot) theta <- as.numeric(matlib::angle(c(Foot[1] - Foot[1], dat$TreeHeight), c(TrailPt[1] - Foot[1], TrailPt[2] - Foot[2]), degree = TRUE)) # Scenarios # For a random direction felling if(directionalfelling == "0" && (fuel !="1" |fuel !="2")){ RandomAngle <- sample(c(0:180), size = 1) A <- st_difference(st_union( rotatepolygon(Trunk, angle = RandomAngle, fixed = Foot), # turned trunk rotatepolygon(Crown, angle = RandomAngle, fixed = Foot) # turned crown )) } # To direct only to avoid damage to future and reserve trees # if (directionalfelling == "1"&& (fuel !="1" |fuel !="2")) { # if(dat$TreeFellingOrientationSuccess == "1"){ # }else{ # else random felling # RandomAngle <- sample(c(0:180), size = 1) # A <- st_difference(st_union( # rotatepolygon(Trunk, angle = RandomAngle, fixed = Foot), # turned trunk # rotatepolygon(Crown, angle = RandomAngle, fixed = Foot) # turned crown # )) # } # # } # To direct to avoid damage to future and reserve trees + trail orientation. Winching: Foot before. if(directionalfelling == "2"&& (fuel !="1" |fuel !="2")){ if(dat$TreeFellingOrientationSuccess == "1"){ A <- st_difference(st_union( rotatepolygon(Trunk, angle = 240 + theta, fixed = Foot), # turned trunk rotatepolygon(Crown, angle = 240 + theta, fixed = Foot) # turned crown )) B <- st_difference(st_union( rotatepolygon(Trunk, angle = 120 + theta, fixed = Foot), # turned trunk rotatepolygon(Crown, angle = 120 + theta, fixed = Foot) # turned crown )) }else{ # else random felling RandomAngle <- sample(c(0:180), size = 1) A <- st_difference(st_union( rotatepolygon(Trunk, angle = RandomAngle, fixed = Foot), # turned trunk rotatepolygon(Crown, angle = RandomAngle, fixed = Foot) # turned crown )) } } # Fuel wood exploitation in the crowns if(fuel =="1" |fuel =="2"){ TrailDist <- st_distance(Foot, TrailPt) # ADD SLOPE CRITERIA !!! if(dat$TreeFellingOrientationSuccess == "1"){ if(TrailDist <= advancedloggingparameters$GrappleLength){ # <= 6m (= grapple length) -> winching by grapple A <- st_difference(st_union( rotatepolygon(Trunk, angle = theta + 60 , fixed = Foot), # turned trunk rotatepolygon(Crown, angle = theta + 60 , fixed = Foot) # turned crown )) B <- st_difference(st_union( rotatepolygon(Trunk, angle = 300 + theta, fixed = Foot), # turned trunk rotatepolygon(Crown, angle = 300 + theta, fixed = Foot) # turned crown )) } else { # > 6m -> winching by cable A <- st_difference(st_union( rotatepolygon(Trunk, angle = 240 + theta, fixed = Foot), # turned trunk rotatepolygon(Crown, angle = 240 + theta, fixed = Foot) # turned crown )) B <- st_difference(st_union( rotatepolygon(Trunk, angle = 120 + theta, fixed = Foot), # turned trunk rotatepolygon(Crown, angle = 120 + theta, fixed = Foot) # turned crown )) } }else{ # else random felling RandomAngle <- sample(c(0:180), size = 1) A <- st_difference(st_union( rotatepolygon(Trunk, angle = RandomAngle, fixed = Foot), # turned trunk rotatepolygon(Crown, angle = RandomAngle, fixed = Foot) # turned crown )) } } FellingOuputs <- list(Foot = Foot, NearestPoints = NearestPoints, TrailPt = TrailPt, A = A) return(FellingOuputs) }
# Compute fellingtree succes and fails inventory <- successfail( inventory, fuel = "2", directionalfelling = "2", advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters()) # Only selected trees SelectedTrees <- inventory %>% filter(Selected == "1") %>% dplyr::select(idTree,DBH,TrunkHeight,TreeHeight,CrownHeight,CrownDiameter,Selected, Xutm, Yutm, TreeFellingOrientationSuccess) # To extract de the shortest ways NearestPoints <- SelectedTrees %>% group_by(idTree) %>% do(geometry = felling1tree(., ScndTrail = ScndTrail, MainTrail = MainTrail, fuel = "2", directionalfelling ="2", advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters())$NearestPoints) %>% mutate(geometry = as(geometry, "sfc_LINESTRING")) %>% # list -> sfc_MULTIPOLYGON st_as_sf() # Application in a dataframe FellingTrees <- SelectedTrees %>% # mutate(angle = list(c(0, 30))) %>% # for each row, a list of 2 values -> a dataframe in a dataframe # unnest(angle) %>% # display the small dataframe in the big dataframe in one group_by(idTree) %>% # for each tree and each given angle do(geometry = felling1tree(., ScndTrail = ScndTrail, MainTrail = MainTrail, fuel = "2", directionalfelling ="2", advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters())$A) %>% # inform geometry. # Filling a column from a function whose input is a table # or version more Sf (to test) # pol <- st_as_sf(SelectedTrees, # as(geometry = st_as_sfc( # lapply(split(SelectedTrees, SelectedTrees$idTree), felling1tree(30)) # ) # , "sfc_MULTIPOLYGON") # ) library(ggplot2) ggplot() + geom_sf(data = st_union(Trunk, Crown), colour = "red") + geom_sf(data = Foot) + geom_sf(data = Trail) + geom_sf(data = TrailPt) + geom_sf(data = NearestPoints) + geom_sf(data = A)+ geom_sf(data = B)
FellingTrees <- inventory %>% group_by(idTree) %>% # for each tree and each given angle do(geometry = # inform geometry. # Filling a column from a function whose input is a table ifelse(!$TreeFellingOrientationSuccess), felling1tree(., ScndTrail = ScndTrail, MainTrail = MainTrail, fuel = "2", directionalfelling ="2", advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters())$A, NULL)) %>% mutate(geometry = as(geometry, "sfc_MULTIPOLYGON")) %>% # list -> sfc_MULTIPOLYGON st_as_sf() felttress <- NA inventory %>% filter(! %>% group_by(idTree) %>% # for each tree and each given angle do(geometry = # inform geometry. # Filling a column from a function whose input is a table felling1tree(., ScndTrail = ScndTrail, MainTrail = MainTrail, fuel = "2", directionalfelling = "2", advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters())$A) %>% mutate(geometry = as(geometry, "sfc_MULTIPOLYGON")) %>% # list -> sfc_MULTIPOLYGON st_as_sf() %>% mutate(geometry = st_as_text(geometry)) left_join(inventory, poly) %>% ggplot() + geom_sf() st_as_text(poly$geometry) felttrees <- inventory %>% filter(! %>% felling1tree(., ScndTrail = ScndTrail, MainTrail = MainTrail, fuel = "2", directionalfelling = "2", advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters())$A %>% st_as_text() # as text to easy join with a non spacial table # unnest(treepolygon) # display the small dataframe in the big dataframe in one inventory <- left_join(inventory, felttrees) # join spatial filtered inventory and non spatial complete inventory get_geometry <- function(inventory){ # function from text (wkt) to sf st_as_text() %>% unnest(treepolygon) } inventory2 <- left_join(inventory, felttrees) get_geometry <- function(inventory){ inventory %>% filter(! %>% st_as_sf(wkt = "treepolygon") } ggplot() + geom_sf(data = st_as_sf(inventory, coords = c("Xutm", "Yutm"))) + # all the individuals of the plot geom_sf(data = get_geometry(inventory), fill = "red") # trees polygons st_intersection( # trees under the fallen trees get_geometry(inventory), geom_sf(data = st_as_sf(inventory, coords = c("Xutm", "Yutm"))) + geom_sf(data = get_geometry(inventory2), fill = "red")) st_intersection( get_geometry(inventory2), st_as_sf(inventory, coords = c("Xutm", "Yutm")) ) %>% ggplot() + geom_sf()
inventory <- successfail( inventory, fuel = "2", directionalfelling = "2", advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters()) # Treefelling felttrees <- inventory %>% filter(! %>% group_by(idTree) %>% # for each tree do(TreePolygon = # inform geometry. # Filling a column from a function whose input is a table felling1tree(., fuel = "2", directionalfelling = "2", MainTrail = MainTrail, ScndTrail = ScndTrail, advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters())$A %>% st_as_text()) %>% # as text to easy join with a non spacial table tidyr::unnest(TreePolygon) # here to pass from list to character inventory <- left_join(inventory, felttrees, by = "idTree") # join spatial filtered inventory and non spatial complete inventory
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